
What does your skin need after summer?

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Summer is a time of relaxation, disconnection and holidays, at least for most of us, although during this season our skin not only does not go on holiday, but also follows a more accelerated and stressful pace of life. In general, we are frequently exposed to the sun and the radiation is more intense than ever. Sea water and swimming pools become aggressive due to their high salt and chlorine content and as the weather is drier, dehydration also leaves its mark on our skin. For all these reasons, now that summer is coming to an end, it is time to return the skin to its optimum state and to the tranquillity of its routine. Here are just a few tips to make it easier:

  • Get your sleep back and make rest a fundamental ritual in your daily routine. To boost it and free your skin from the stress of the last few months, you can use soothing ingredients, perform facial massages during your nightly skincare routine and give it a boost in the first few weeks with occasional exfoliations.
  • If your skin has been really affected by chlorine, salt or sun and this has caused you to notice changes in its texture (marks, spots, rough patches), these peels can also be a good way to get your skin back to normal.
  • Remember that there are also a multitude of antioxidants such as ginseng or CBD, which improve the luminosity of your skin and fight against pollution and the pace of city life, which can be included in your daily routine and will serve as a 2 for 1 in the readaptation and start of the new seasons.
  • As always, hydration is once again key to restoring skin to its condition. Only hydrated skin is able to maintain the integrity of the structure in its different layers, so if your skin has fallen victim to dehydration this summer, don’t wait any longer to re-hydrate regularly.
  • Another habit to get back into is a healthy diet, especially if your summer has been dominated by excesses in this respect. Keep in mind that your skin also needs to be well nourished to look its best. Ingredients rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients can help give your skin a boost to recover while you get back to your balanced diet.

At Uniquely we take into account every factor that affects your skin to offer you the most suitable combination of ingredients for your skin care at all times. Visit our website and make a free diagnosis to obtain the most efficient formula to help your skin in this new change of season.


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